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Happiness is not a luxury, it is our default state

Do you know what "mental gum" is? It is safe to say that almost every one of us has ever been in a state of experiencing negative emotions that eat us up from the inside, do not let us sleep, spinning in our heads again and again. Sharpness, irritation, a broken voice from anger or a whisper full of fear or sadness. If you have never come home and vented anger at your loved ones or colleagues in the office, if you can always say "no" to an offer that doesn't suit you or you don’t like, stop reading this! This is not for you. You are the rare person who already has what we call assertiveness.

Now imagine that we live in a world where everyone respects the other with a sincere desire to build a warm and trusting relationship. Leaders manage their team with confidence and equanimity, your loved ones don't take offense, and there is no jealousy or destructive anger in this world. And not because emotions have disappeared, but because we have learned to understand and be aware of them. Moreover, we have learned to live our natural emotions, without fail returning to the main one - happiness.

Emotional Assertiveness hypothesis is that we are all born with the capacity to express emotion authentically and it is in the school of life that we learned how to be less able to be open and honest about our emotions.

So stop running from your emotions and learn to live with them.  

WHY Emotional Assertiveness

Harmony and balance in professional and private relationship

Over the past twenty-five years, a huge amount of literature has been written and many important studies have been conducted on the topic of emotional intelligence. It is no secret that emotions play an important role in achieving success in a professional environment and personal context. However, few books show the way to develop emotional intelligence skills. And even fewer people actually use emotions as tools to achieve success in business and happiness in life. 

John Parr developed a logical model that explains the functions of emotions, which he calls the emotional vortex. He has also developed workshops for people who want to live an emotionally fulfilling life. 

The emotional assertiveness workshop is designed specifically to offer personal development in being emotionally assertive. In the course of training, you will develop and hone these skills. This training is specifically designed to encourage personal growth and development, as well as provide real tools for building more open, honest, productive, trusting and respectful relationships.

This program is designed to build both knowledge and skills in Emotional Empowerment.

The model by John Parr

Improve your life quality by being assertive


John has worked for thirty years as a management consultant for multinational organization and specializes in designing tailor-made training solutions for his client companies.  He is recognized for his work on Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Communication skills.  Emotional Intelligence was the subject for his Master Degree dissertation and he has developed a unique model for teaching – Applied Emotional Assertiveness. 

John’s key focus is on developing relationships in the workplace.  

The model by John Parr

Take control of your emotions

Build your emotional maturity

So what is assertiveness and how to become assertive?

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate constructively and effectively while remaining in your comfortable emotional zone and observing the boundaries of the interlocutor. Being assertive means being able to stand up for what you think is right, ask for what you want, and say NO to what you don't want, confidently, calmly, and respectfully. This is what we call emotional maturity.

Emotions are our body's tools to keep us happy through effective communication. Emotions help us navigate the relationship environment. Emotionally intelligent people build more effective relationships and, as a result, increase the effectiveness of team members and thus of entire organization.

Emotional Assertiveness is the act of selflessly expressing your true emotions with the clear goal of strengthening and deepening friendship and cooperation. As such, it is an important building block of healthy families, teams, and organizations.

Any decision is made through awareness of the situation
Awareness of the situation = 20% logic/thinking process + 80% emotions
You are a LEADER

Empower yourself with knowledge and deep comprehension of your emotions, get an effective toolset to analyze and react to emotional state of others to motivate your partners, build cohesive team, increase sales and achieve greater results.  

You are an EXECUTIVE

Begin to effectively manage any situation, regardless of emotional state of team members. Increase your authority at times.

You are an EMPLOYEE

Be able to join any team. Feel comfortable to communicate with everyone and draw attention to yourself. Cope with any task as effectively as possible.


Build absolutely harmonious relationships in your family, in which conflicts will come to naught. Flourish in atmosphere of mutual understanding, love and happiness.

Effective and exciting practice

Training Format

The Emotional Assertiveness training will give you an opportunity to dive into the history of human anthropology, knowledge of the origin of emotions, their nature and functioning. And much more of  an interesting and useful information.

But training is not a lecture. You need to get to know how to deal with real emotions of yourself and others in interactive way. In addition to the large amount of information the training is abound with exercises, group work and work in pairs.  

An interactive format is designed for you to be able to hone your skills of analyzing of your own emotional state here and now, to explore typical errors in the process of correction of emotional conditions and their undesirable consequences, to gett techniques for working with emotions depending on different degrees of intensity of emotional state analysis through the real life situations. So you have the key to step-by-step transaction algorithm for emotional correction of an emotional condition of yourself and others.  

An amazing journey into yourself

Training outline

Training take place in 3 days

Program of the training:

  • The place of emotions in the concept of Emotional Assertiveness
  • The nature of emotions
  • Groups of emotions and existing classifications
  • Group dynamics of emotions at work
  • Emotions, reactions and beliefs
  • Basic emotions and body chemistry. Brain function.
  • Feelings as data for problem solving
  • Emotional cycles: healthy and pathological cycles
  • Four types of anger
  • Emotions and time. Surrogate emotions.
  • The electrochemical nature of emotions
  • Joy
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Ancient Greeks and their typology of love
  • Dealing with emotions at work and at home
Training outline

Be who you are and value what you offer

Training outcomes

  • Become a great leader. Achieve success by treating people honestly and respectfully, and getting the same from others in return. People will dream of working and interacting with you.
  • Upgrade your negotiation skills. Discuss successful "win-win" solutions. Find a common language with the other person and be able to recognize their value.
  • Be the best problem solver. Feel able to do everything possible to find the best solution to the problems you face.
  • Reduce your stress, anxiety, and tension. Become more confident and don't feel threatened or frustrated when things don't go as planned or expected.

Assertiveness is perseverance, calmness, a firm position, self-confidence and a willingness to find a win-win outcome.

Be who you are and value what you offer

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